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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Panem History Book: The Rebellion

From the earliest days, after the floods and storms, the fires and wars that destroyed the continent formerly called "America" Panem had lived in peace and harmony. 13 districts all surrounding a bright beacon of hope, Capitol. For years they remained contented with each other, interacting in a friendly manner, the districts going about their industries, the Capitol reigning as the monarchs.

As the districts began to grow discontent, however, uprisings began to unsettle the peaceful community. The rebels recruited more and more people onto their side and the unsettlement spread further, faster. The uprisings mutated into a full-scale rebellion.

The Capitol, of course, did not take this lying down. They fought back. At first it seamed as though the Capitol's reign was about to come to an end, but how could the districts compare? Weakened by fatigue and hunger, hardly any facilities and materials to create weapons, no knowledge of what they were fighting. The Capitol began winning.

Top scientists created muttations, more commonly known as mutts, to stalk the districts either instilling fear in the citizens or to gather information against the rebels. One specific type of mutt that is well know is called the Jabberjay. Jabberjays are a type of bird that can listen and retain the exact pitch and words of a person. They then would fly back to the Capitol and repeat what the rebels had been discussing.

The rebellion was soon over and 12 districts were defeated. One district, 13, however was obliterated to serve as a message that the Capitol was not to be crossed. This and the Hunger Games.

1 comment:

  1. Gale and Katniss will lead the rebellion and overthrow the Capitol.

    There will be blood, deception, truth, love and pain. And i hope it wont be a Hollywood ending cos that's not real!!
